
Cattleya Blackjack

Cattleya Blackjack 8,6/10 2215 reviews

The genus Cattleya contains about 38 species, which exclusively grow in South and Central America. Two of the most important areas are the Andes and South Eastern Brazil.
The genus Cattleya received its name in honour of William CATTLEY, one of the first English gardeners to make epiphytical orchids bloom.
The genus was described by LINDLEY in 1824. The first species to be described was Cattleya labiata.

  • C. labiata var. alba 'Beranek'
  • C. labiata var. alba
  • C. labiata var. albo-oculata
  • C. labiata 'De M. Treyeran'
  • C. labiata var. flammea
  • C. labiata var. gloriosa
  • C. labiata var. peetersii-marmorata
  • C. labiata var. peetersii
  • C. labiata var. purpureo-striata
  • C. labiata var. superba

Cattleya (Cantagalo 'Punctata' x Pedra da Gavea 'Slash') Pedra da Gavea is a parent to Cattleya Cantagalo and has petals and sepals that range from yellow to bronze tones, some red spotting and a deep pink lip. Very Limited: Cattleya: Cattleya (dolosa ‘Alba’ x schilleriana) Primary hybrid. Cattleya is a senior member of the Sorority, and has curly brown hair with side-swept bangs. Cattleya plays a role in the conspiracy to discredit Fukiko, though she pulls out when Borgia's schemes prove too ridiculous. Cattleya Black Jack Margay Hybrid Orchid 2018 Orchids In Flickr. Cattleya Orchid Blossom And In Full Bloom On Black Background Stock Photo Picture And Royalty Free.

Cattleya is closely related to Laelia. Only the number of pollinia differs between the two genera (Laelia has 8 pollinia, Cattleya 4). Cattleyas are popular for their big and colourful flowers. Cattleyas are popular because of their large, colorful flowers. The genus Cattleya is divided into 2 groups: the unifoliate Cattleya. This group includes Cattleya club-shaped bulbs with a terminal leaf, and should get a rest in cool and dry place in winter. The two-leaves (bifoliate) Cattleya have elongated cylindrical pseudobulbs with two terminal leaves and flower after the shoot has finished. Bifoliate Cattleya do not need rest during winter.

The following species and varieties are officially recognized at the time

Cattleya aclandiae LINDLEY
Cattleya amethystoglossa LINDEN & RCHB.f. ex R.WARNER
Cattleya bicolor LINDLEY
Cattleya bicolor var. bicolor
Cattleya bicolor var. canastrensis L.C.MENEZES & BRAEM
Cattleya bicolor var. minasgeraensis FOWLIE
Cattleya boissieri B.S.WILLIAMS*
Cattleya candida (KUNTH) F.LEHMANN
Cattleya dormaniana (RCHB.f.) RCHB.f.
Cattleya dowiana BATEMAN & RCHB.f
Cattleya dowiana var. aurea (LINDEN) B.S.WILLIAMS & MOORE
Cattleya dowiana var. dowiana
Cattleya elegantissima LINDEN*
Cattleya elongata Barbosa-Rodriguez
Cattleya forbesii LINDLEY
Cattleya gaskelliana (N.E.Br.) B.S.WILLIAMS
Cattleya granulosa LINDLEY
Cattleya guttata LINDLEY
Cattleya harrisoniana BATEMAN ex LINDLEY
Cattleya herbaceaROJAS*
Cattleya intermedia GRAHAM ex HOOKER
Cattleya iricolor RCHB.f.
Cattleya jenmanii ROLFE
Cattleya kerrii BRIEGER & BICALHO
Cattleya labiata LINDLEY
Cattleya lawrenceana RCHB.f.
Cattleya loddigesii LINDLEY
Cattleya loddigesii var. loddigesii
Cattleya loddigesii var. purpurea BRIEGER
Cattleya lueddemanniana RCHB.f.
Cattleya luteola LINDLEY
Cattleya maxima LINDLEY
Cattleya mendelii DOMBRAIN
Cattleya mossiae C.PARKER ex HOOKER
Cattleya nobilior RCHB.f.
Cattleya percivaliana (RCHB.f.) O'BRIEN
Cattleya porphyroglossa LINDEN & RCHB.f.
Cattleya rex O'BRIEN
Cattleya schilleriana RCHB.f.
Cattleya schofieldiana RCHB.f.
Cattleya schroederae RCHB.f.
Cattleya storeyi H.G. JONES*
Cattleya tenuis CAMPACCI & VEDOVELLO
Cattleya tigrina A.RICHMOND
Cattleya trianae LINDEN & RCHB.f.
Cattleya velutina RCHB.f.
Cattleya violacea (KUNTH) ROLFE
Cattleya walkeriana GARDNER
Cattleya wallisii (LINDEN) LINDEN ex RCHB.f., Brasilien. (syn:C. eldorado var.treyeranae)
Cattleya warneri T.MOORE ex R.WARNER, Brasilien.
Cattleya warscewiczii RCHB.f., Kolumbien.
* = unklare Art

The list is only a guide and does not claim to be complete. It contains species which we define as unclear as it except for the original description there is no evidence for the existence of the plants. Furthermore, colour- and geographical variations are not listed.
The latest classification of VANDENBERG 2008 transferred all species of the genera Sophronitis and Laelia into the genus Cattleya. It was preceded by DNA analyzes of these three genera that made the previous classification appear to be untenable. In order not to create unnumerable new genera and groups, VANDENBERG suggested before to include all related species in the genus Cattleya.

Cattleya iricolor Rchb. f. 1874 SUBGENUS Stellata Withner 1988 Photo by © Jay Pfahl

Flower Closeup Photo by © Eric Hunt

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Cattleya blackjack game

Common Name Rainbow-colored Cattleya

Flower Size 3 1/2' [8 cm]

Cattleya Blackjack Games

Found in Peru and Ecuador in the eastern Andes as an ascending, unifoliate epiphyte in wet montane forests, high up in tall tree branches at elevations of 400 to 1220 meters and is a rare, hot to cool growing, erect epiphytic species with clavate, slightly compressed pseudobulbs that become sulcate with age and carries a single, apical, narrowly oblong-elliptic or oblong, acute, conduplicate towards the base, coriaceous leaf that blooms in the late winter and spring on a terminal, erect, 2 1/2' [6.25 cm] long, few [6 to 10] flowered inflorescence arising from a conduplicate sheath on a newly emerging pseudobulb and is held at mid-leaf.

Cattleya Blackjack Poker

ReferencesW3 Tropicos, Kew Monocot list , IPNI ; Die Orchideen 3 Auflage Bd 1 Sonderabdruck aus Schlechter Lieferung 10 576 - 632 Brieger, Maatsch and Senghas 1977; The Catttleya and their Relatives Withner Vol 1 1988 photo fide; Icones Planetarum Tropicarum plate 411 Dodson 1982 drawing fide; Orchids Travel By Air A Pictoral Safari Mulder, Mulder-Roelfsema and Schuiteman 1990 photo fide; The Manual of Cultivated Orchids Bechtel, Cribb and Laurent 1992 drawing/photo fide; Icones Orchidacearum Peruviarum Plate 011 Bennet & Christenson 1993 drawing fide; Native Ecuadorian Orchids Vol 1 Dodson 1993 photo fide; Manual of Orchids Stewart 1995; AOS Bulletin Vol 73 No 6 2004 photo fide; Flora Of Ecuador # 76 225[2] Dodson & Luer 2005 drawing fide; AOS Bulletin Vol 75 # 3 2006 photo fide; Orchid Species of Peru Zelenko Bermudez 2009 photo fide; Las Orquideas del Peru Izerskyy & Bezverhov 2011 photo fide; Orchid Digest Vol 79 #4 2015 photo fide;

Cattleya Black Jack
