
Casino Volunteers Edmonton

Casino Volunteers Edmonton 7,4/10 9011 reviews

We believe volunteerism is crucial for creating healthy, vibrant, and connected Albertans. Through volunteering, you can create a positive impact and help shape the future of your community.


Although our first instinct in times of uncertainty is to help, the best thing you can do to flatten the curve is stay at home. We encourage people to look for virtual or micro-volunteering opportunities. If you want to provide support to the larger community, we encourage you to start with the vulnerable people in your life – family, friends, and neighbours.

The City of Edmonton Community & Recreation Facilities branch is composed of various recreation opportunities, attractions and events for you to volunteer at! Argyll Casino, Argyll Road, Edmonton Please consider volunteering! Every 18 months we, as a club, are fortunate to host a casino. This means that we have volunteers from our membership that work a two-day event and through the proceeds we are able to access monies that keep our costs down for memberships. Monies received from this event also.

Remote volunteering allows you to volunteer from the comfort of your own home. While charities and nonprofits assess and identify their greatest needs from volunteers, there are easy and effective options for you to consider without needing to leave the house.

  • Have phone/video conversations with seniors, many of whom struggle with social isolation every day.
  • Connect with your family and loved ones often. Even short phone calls every few days can have a hugely calming effect on you and those around you.
  • Volunteer Connector keeps an ongoing inventory of volunteer opportunities, including remote volunteering.

Microvolunteering is defined by key aspects, including a short commitment, centered around a specific project and primarily done on one’s own time.

  • Signing a petition for cause you’re passionate about.
  • Sewing masks for food bank drivers.
  • Editing and formatting documents.
  • Quilting for those in need.
  • Helping with snow removal or lawn cutting for neighbours and vulnerable citizens.
Go volunteer edmonton

Go Volunteer Edmonton

Click here to learn more and find your microvolunteerism opportunity.

Volunteer roles are wide-ranging and diverse. No matter where your interests, skills, and passion lie, you can get involved and make a difference.

Whether you are available to help gather items for a silent auction, work at one of our monthly afternoon bingos, help write grants or volunteer at our casino (once every 18-24 months), your time will have a direct effect helping ENW continue our work. See the Events page for casino and bingo dates & locations.

Casino Volunteers Edmonton

Edmonton Casino Hotel

ENW currently receives no sustainable (budgeted) funding from municipal or provincial governments. Therefore, ENW is reliant on fundraising efforts. Volunteers who can help with fundraising events can have a large impact at ENW by helping to raise the much-needed operational funds. There are many ways you can make a difference:

  • Help gather items for our annual Silent Auction
  • Help develop and implement fundraising campaigns
  • Help by sourcing (researching) new funding opportunities
  • Help by drafting grants on behalf of ENW
  • Work at our monthly bingo
  • Work at our bi-annual casino


ENW has a monthly bingo held during the afternoon. Volunteers are needed from approximately 11am to 3:30pm. Each month 16 volunteers are needed. The funds raised from monthly bingos goes toward ENW providing crime prevention programs and services at the community level. Currently, ENW bingos are held at the Kensington Bingo Hall. See our events page for the dates of upcoming bingos.

Century Casino Edmonton


Casino Volunteers Edmonton Jobs

The majority of the ENW annual budget (approx. 75%) comes from funds raised through Alberta Gaming. The next casino for ENW is on Wednesday August 10th & Thursday August 11th at the Century Casino. Volunteers are desperately needed. Contact admin@enwatch.ca or volunteer@enwatch.ca to volunteer.